Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ah.... 3 days of work left! The "good" boss has taken me out for dinner twice in the past week, he also went rock climbing with me over the weekend. The "bad" boss has so far given me a wrong address for a tree to prune (and blamed ME for not being able to find the tree!), blamed me for one of the chippers breaking down (though I hadn't used it in the prior week) and has reminded me 3 times in the past week that "he doesn't want to see me slacking off on my last few days!" Ah well.... like I said, 3 more days until freedom!
On an up note, it seems that NZ employment law entites me to receive all my acrewed holiday pay. This means that on top of all the money I've saved up for the trip home (which, for those of you who REALLY know me, isn't all that much!), I will be receiving a bit more than an extra 2 weeks pay as well!!! On top of that little "pick me up," I've decided to head out to "my" crag for the week before I head home (to do a bit of "last minute" touch ups and put up a few new routes) and apon mentioning my plan to the crew... a good handful of them decided to wag work for the week as well! It should be a fun week of climbing, drinking around the campfire and living the general dirtbag lifestyle. Life is good!
I'll see most of you soon. I can't wait to hug you all in person!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ok... no major news, but it's been over a month so I figured I should post SOMETHING! I have been climbing a lot (duh). I am TOTALLY stoked to be heading back home for so long... it is going to be great to be more than just the "token American" for a bit! I miss EVERYONE back in New England (and beyond) and it will be great to properly catch up for a change.
So, how much am I stiked to come back? Well, for the record, I was given a job offer by my current boss to become a manager for the company. This would have meant a pay raise and the ability to do a bit less physically demanding work all the time. Perhaps I screwed up by saying no.... but I was willing to take a gamble. I NEED to come home for a bit. I NEED to catch up with my crew and be HOME (proper home, not just the roof over my head) for a while. The way I see it, I am a DAMM good arborist. Arborist are also (conviniently) in HUGE demand in NZ (hell, EVERYWHERE) and so I recon that as much as my boss says he needs to "move on," I am willing to take the chance that he won't be able to fill the new manager position by the time I get back. Cocky? Mabey. The way I see it though, if my new job started with a comprimise.... then it already went against the new "Matt Natti" moto... do what makes you happy. If anything get in the way of that happiness, don't do it!
So I guess that's me for now. Big, rib crushing hugs to the lot of ya!!!