It seems I've been a bit negligent in posting as of late. I suppose I could have bored you all with MORE stories of rock climbing (don't worry, I'm sure to throw at least ONE in!)... but I wanted to wait until I really had some fun stuff to write about. So, with out further delay... the MNatti "Month in Review!!!"
Probably the most exiting change for me in quite a while is that I've finally gotten back into Karate. Although I had a breif "go" at it while I was living down in Palmerston North.... the teacher was terribly boring and offered no sence of enthusiasm to the class. The club I found in Taupo, however, is not only the exact style I was doing when I was living back in New England but it is also a great club. The teacher is VERY energetic, teaches great technique, pays HEAPS of attention to detail and the class is full of cool people as well. It is actually quite a releif to have something NON climbing related in my life again (yes, I DID say that!!!).
The company truck just got fixed... so I have wheels again. I did my first BIG grocery shopping in over a month and I'm quite happy to have supplies again. I also did a HUGE laundry mission, as that I've been reduced to doing small loads (by hand) in my sink for the past month! Not only am I happy to have a selection of clean clothes... my friends and work mates I do too!
The new crag, at the Mangaokewa Scenic Reserve in Waitomo, is being developed at an expodential rate. In the past 3 months, my crew of climbing buddies (with the help of a handful of other North Island climbers) have established almost 40 sport routes (bolted lines). This rate of development is almost unheard of in NZ especially in the North Island. That being said, this cliff really is shaping up to be one of (if not THE) best sport climbing crags in the whole North Island. I can't lie... I'm pretty happy to be one of the major players in the over all development of the cliff! The first addition of the guide SHOULD be out online by the middle of April. If you want to check it out, go to and click on the Central North Island section (I think that's where it will be). You can also check out "Reperoa," "Manawatu (both the cliff guide and the boulder guide" as well as the "Kinloch Bouldering Guide" to see some of the other developing stuff I've been involved in over the past year or so.
So besides all that.... nothing TOO exiting to report. My job is plodding along. I'm starting to feel my age a bit (as far as work is concerned) and realise now that, although I love it, pehaps tree work is geting a bit much for me. The problem with this is that my work visa is limited to arboriculture. This leaves me in a tough position. My only option for doing something else here is to get my NZ residency. As much as that appeals to me, it is a) quite expensive ($6000+) b) more difficult the older I get and c) I'm not sure I REALLY want to settle down here. I miss home. I also have gotten a taste for adventure and "seeing the world," so who knows where I'll be in 2 years from now!?!
Ah well.... Natti's philosophy on life: Enjoy today and let tomorrow sort itself out... right? I'm having a good run so far and things are always looking up, so I guess I can't complain. That being said, I can't wait for July. It will be great to be back on "home turf" and catch up with the crew again. This blog never cease to amaze me..... people ACTUALLY read it!!! So far it has gotten me back in touch with a good handful of OLD friend that I though I would never hear from again. Super cool!
So that's me, I guess. Keep following my lead... have fun out there! Live every day as best you can and make sure you never loose touch with who YOU are and what YOU need to keep happy! I loves ya all and miss you heaps.... Remember, I'm still here for at least another year and a half. Doesn't ANYONE need a vacation?!?
Right on Matt! When you are up in July, we'll put the hurtin on some stripers and blue fish.
Best to you, and be safe.
Nate G.
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