Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Monday, January 22, 2007

So the week (plus a bit) in review..... Claydon and I spent our last week of vacation from the trees in the Waitomo region, which is "world famous in New Zealand" for having some of the best caving the country has to offer. This means that the area is rich in limestone. This means GREAT bouldering!!! We had 2 days at "The Airstrip," which is an old faithful bouldering haunt of ours. Our 3rd day there was rainy, so we decided to be proper tourists and do a bit of site seeing. We saw one of the North Islands premier waterfalls, did a bit of caving in one of the free, open access caves and basically just enjoyed driving around giving our fingertips a rest.
The last few days were spent at a new (to us) area on a local farm which offered 300 foot tall limestone cliffs as well as HEAPS of quality bouldering. Again, we were faced with a bunch of rain but there was ample overhanging rock so we were able to make the best of it. All said and done.... we finished up our 3 week trip having put up 45 first ascents around the country as well as opening up a whole new area! It was a MOST productive vacation.... but it was good to get home and back to work.
Besides that, all is well I guess. I miss the Holmes crew and the Fam something wicked..... but July isn't TOO far away, so I'll get to catch up soon enough.


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