Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

So as the saying goes... "when it rains, it pours." So my car blew up. No biggie, right? The company I work for was happy to lend me the company pick-up for a while. Sweet, right? Ah, in steps fate.
First event was a misguided throwball incident. For the non "treeguys" out there, a throwball is basically a beanbag filled with lead shot. They are used by connecting them to a thin, strong line (such as heavy-duty fishing line or thin prussic cord) and throwing them up into a high branch in a tree. This allows you to then pull a climbing line up to a branch heigher than you could have thrown the heavier rope. For REALLY big trees, a specially designed GIANT slingshot on a 6 foot pole can be used, enabling you to set your line as high as 80 feet! Apparently, however, if the throwbag is launched into a high crotch and ricochees of a branch, it can actually go clear past the point of origin (personally I thought this defied the laws of physics) and clean THROUGH the windsheild of a pick-up truck. Bugger.
No worries. The truck was fully insured. Two days later all was sweet. Three days after that, on a Saturday afternoon, the poor little pick-up met with a far worse fate. As that I was off climbing for the weekend (in a mates car) I had no idea until Monday at work what became of her. It seems that some young houligans decided to break into the company yard, hotwire the truck and drive it through the front door of a local liquer store! They stole the safe, cleaned out the register and left the poor little pick-up where it was.... with a busted front axle, a NEW busted windsheild some minor engine damage and a bent chasis. Bugger again.
So here I am, carless in Taupo. Thankfully, there is a good troop of climbers in the area so getting out and about on weekends hasn't been a problem yet.... but the little things like doing my laundry and going grocery shopping are a bit more of a pain these days. Again... "ah well." I just need to stop living such a decadent lifestyle for a week or two and I should be able to find a new set of wheels. At least I won't have to worry about waisting gas money for a bit!
Besides that, all is going well. As that my frequent survivor miles were about to expire, I just got my "in state" plane tickets sorted out for free. I, again, plan to spend a few days in So. California on my way back to good ol' New England to catch up with a few friends. Then (amen, halleluia) it is back home from July 15th - August 7th.
Can't wait to see the crew! Kiwi hugs for the LOT of ya!