Ok.... first things first. In the last post I mentioned quality relationships. I also said something about sometimes a short one can be better than a long, boring one. I felt the need to clarify this statement as that I was in a long relationship just prior to the one I am in with Erica..... My relationship with Cristin was AWESOME and I would not give up those memories for the world. Cris and I are still wicked friends and I hope to keep that friendship for the rest of my life. My posted statement was meant to reflect OTHER relationships in the world that have a tendancy to drag on just for the sake of "being in a relationship". Ok.... now that I goyt that bit off my shoulders...... I'll give you a short, new update of life in New Zealand.
I just had an awesome weekend. I did the "famous" Black Water Rafting trip up in Waitomo cave disrict. Claydon, Erica and I headed up Friday night to do a bit of rock climbing, and Erica and I decided to take Saturday to go into one of Waitomo's more popular tourist caves. The kicker about the cave is that it has a river running through it, so you actually float through most of it on an inner tube!
The cave had some crazy, cool features (big stalagtites, etc) and enough glow worms (a native larva that produces a sticky glowing strand to catch its prey) that in spots you could actually shut of your headlamp and still see inside the cave! It was definitely one of the coolest things I've done for quite a while. After that we went to see a few waterfalls and a hotwater beach. We also managed to get a full day of climbing in on Sunday... so all in all it was a real corker weekend.