Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ok, so alive and well. Uhm... nothing to exiting to report (exept that I am in New Zealand, which is STILL pretty exiting). The new issue of "Climber," New Zealands's climbing magazine distributed by the NZ Alpine Club... and low and behold there is a picture of ME in it! Ok, I guess that IS pretty exiting. It was a picture from one of the boulder comps I was at, apparently looking quite passionate about the problem I was working on. Go figure... ME, passionate about climbing.... must have been a once in a life time photo opertunity (hehe)!
Work is still good, new pad is getting better every day, my on going development of NZ rock is going GREAT! I have a whole band of MUAC members keen to help me with enhancing the climbing scene around Palmerston... which is a real treat. I love getting out there and doing it... the scrubbing, bolting, trail creating, vertical gardening... but it is that much beeter having a bunch of mates there plugging along with me. We get a lot accomplished and everyone gets a satisfied feeling at the end of the day (of course the beer helps with that!).


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