Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Friday, December 23, 2005

Wow, what a week! For the first time here I did a full week of honest to god, blood, sweat and tears tree work! It felt really good. We had some BIG drops, we did a few really technical take downs, as well as a few good old medium prunes to just make things look "Damm good!" The company does a fair amount of tree work, usually, but the weeks building up to x-mas have been mostly yard preps so everyones properties looked spick and span for the holidays.
We have just been laid off for 3 weeks, so I am off on a mega climbing adventure. The boss was kind enough to offer up the company van, so I have housing as well as just transport now! I plan on meeting up with a few mates here and there and gettineg on as many cool climbs as possible. I will be bringing a camera this tyime, and hopefully I will figure out how to post the lot of them to the blog when I get them all developed!
Anyways, I wanted to use this as a general forum to say Merry X-mas and happy holidays to EVERYONE. It is weird doing the whole summer x-mas thing, but I think I may drive up to some of the remaining snow some time next week to make myself feel a bit more "at home" in the holidays. I was hoping to send everyone cards or something, which I may still do, but as of yesterday I was down to $30 in my account! I was fortunate enought to get a small loan to cover me for vacation and Immigration promises me I will be set to start actually getting PAID rather than doing volenteer work when I get back from vacation.
Anyways, I hope all are well... keep in the e-mails coming!


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