Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I know I've been threatening this quite a bit.... but I am officially back on line. Now that I am nice and cozy in my new pad, I figured it was time to suck it up and shell out the dough for a real i-net account. I was hopefull that I would luck out with another piratable (arrr) wireless site somewhere in the area surrounding my new place... but it seems that was wishful thinking.
So living in New Zealand, one would hope there was more exitement in my life than just getting an internet account. Duh, of course there is! Obviously I've been climbing quite a bit. I recently joined MUAC (Massey University Alpine Club) as a way of meeting like minded outdoorsy folk as well as getting myself envolved in cool trips around the country. I was asked along on their "Basic Rock" weekend, and was quickly put to work as an instructor..... s'all good, instructors get the weekend events for free, so it turned out to be a pretty cool gig. My job was to set topropes (oh no, I have to lead them to get the rope set up!) and then give pointers, teach basic belay skills and help boost overall moral.
I brought along 2 of the guys I work with (who have both gone out and bought there own climbing gear already) so they cound get a taste of non-tree climbing. I have to say, I was really exited to see how quickly EVERYONE in the group picked up the basics and how much enthusiasm there was to push (as well as support)one another. By half way through the first day of climbing, everyone was getting on well enough that a few of the other instructors and I were able to sneak off and do some "big boy" climbs as well as trow up a few new bolted lines and snag the first ascents. I must admit I had an absoulute blast.
The work weeks have been.... standard. Up days and down days, but generally no complaints. For play this weekend I did some bouldering on Saturday and today (sunday) I grabbed a bunch of MUACers and we did a HUGE amount of developement on a big limestone outcrop I've been setting some new routes in the Manawatu Gorge, just outside of Palmy. We created some good belay spots (level standing areas, some with good rocks to sit on even) and made the access paths a bit more user friendly. Again, I pretty damm good weekend!
So that's news I guess. Now that I am back on line, look for me on instant messanger again. I will try and be on (my) mornings 6:30-7:30 which I think is 12:30- 1:30 back home. Hope to see y'all there now and again!


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