Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Sunday, November 13, 2005

So today is another day... ahhh Mondays! So Saturday was a wash.... literally. I did my laundry, dishes, and cleaned up around "home." Sunday set out to be uneventful as well as that Cris was studying like a woman possed for her final exam today.... so I went out on the town to see what I could see.
I stopped in at Starbucks for a cup a jo' and it turned out that I had previously met the coffee gal behind the counter (Rebecca) at the pub a few nights back with her husband, Scott. Scott is a climber and they are both the action/ adventure type. She was just getting off work and as that it was VERY windy, she and her husband were heading down to the "local" beach (30-45 minute drive) to go blow carting and thought I should tag along. Blow carts are very simple and very fun. A cloth seat is slung onto a low frame with 3 wheels (2 in back, 1 in front), a stearing wheel controls the front wheels direction, and a single rope and pully control..... THE SAIL!!!!
So there I was, strapped into this contraption with nothing but a climbing helmet, a seat belt and some sunglasses (I WAS clothed!). It had a really fast learning curve..... pull cord, tighten sail, move like a bat out of hell until I scared myself.... let go of cord and slow down. Turning took a little bit, but after blowing a few 180's and 360's I learned how to let of the sail just long enough to make the turn and snap back into it. Apparently the little buggers have been clocked up to 90 km!! Pretty cool, I'm still picking bits of sand out of my ears.
Today (Monday) was a new adventure at work.... we prepped 2 30 foot tall, 3 foot diameter phoenix palmtrees for transplant. This involved a heavy crown reduction, and then prepping tie in points for the 250 ton crane to pick them up from! Thankfully all the pruning work was done from a rented lift, more importantly I got to stay on the ground... I still hate palm trees! Inside the canopies we found a combined 15 bird nests, 1 shoe, a rock or piece of a cinder block and a native tree trying to grow out of the top of one of them. Ah palms, they are never dull! Wendnesday we move them.... it promises to be a hell of a day.


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