Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Friday, November 11, 2005

Ok, so the truth of the matter is....... no matter how good you are at a specific job, as the "new guy" on the cew you ALWAYS get the snot beaten out of you. Day 2 at on the job involved a HUGE gum tree to be safety pruned. The tree was big enough to warrent 3 climbers, two in the nice straight up and down, well branched side.... and me in the big open, horizontal spans with the EXPENSIVE landscape plants underneith. It was a fun tree, the view from the top was incredible, but definitely a good test of my climbing ability. They also gave a tree to top that was half way own a nasty, gorse laidened hillside with NO access. I had to rappell of a fence through old brush piles, weeds, vines.... the works. Ahhhh...... I'm definitely the new guy!
I still haven't gotten to climb any outdoor rocks. It is sort of depressing not having a car, there is so much good rock around but it is all at least an hour drive from me. The indoor gym is managing to keep me in shape.... but it is more like a methadone clinic really, just not quite the same fix. To be honest, after my first to days, my body is happy to sit in the park and read a book, but I am going to need an adventure soon...... I'm anxious to get out of Palmerston and explore.
On the "life is an adventure" note, Cris and I have been talking a lot. We are doing a really good job of re-establishing the old us, but the big test will be incorporating the "new" us into the relationship. She has changed a lot.... but then again so have I. We both want to make this work.... it is just a matter of figuring out each others new boundries I guess. I am eager to get out on some adventures with her, but until finals are over she is the same old Cristin..... FREAKIN OUT!!! She came over the other night to hang out and watch a movie, but between all of her studies and my first two days of work, we both just fell asleep! Oh well, even that felt pretty good.


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