Life is an adventure: MNatti in NZ

Monday, November 07, 2005

So here I am. Matt Natti has broken free of the clutches of Massachusetts once again. Sure, living in LA was an adventure... but New Zealand!?! Nothing like be 12,000 miles away from everyone you know and love to make you appreciate just how big this world of ours really is. My "hop, skip and a jump" from Logan airport, to Las Vegas, to LA, to Aukland to Palmerston North was almost a 36 hour endevor! Oh sure... I had a 8 hour lay over in LA (mmmm, double double burger at "In and Out Burgers!"), but it was still a long haul.
I have truely thrown myself into a blind adventure here. There is so much that could go wrong, but the chance to make it all work and have the adventure of a lifetime certainly makes it a worth while gamble. I look at it like this, home will always be there, and if I'm gonna screw up, why not do it in a country as beautiful and interesting as New Zealand!
So that's the intro to m first blog. I don't even really know what a blog is, but I'm sure it will become more aparent to me as time goes on. I miss all of you already. I hope you ALL keep my spirit alive back home. Stay off the couch (exept for Tucker and Lily), get out and do something in the great outdoors. If the sun is shining and you know that I would be calling you to go out and play if I was there.... GO OUT ANYWAYS!!!!!


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